The Wheel of Fortune Card 10 - The Wheel of Fortune
Card Nicknames: The karma card, the cycle card, the change card, the destiny card, the reversal of fortune, the wheel.
Short meaning: The Wheel of Fortune represents change from natural cycles. It could be a deserved change based on karma or karmic justice, "reap what you sow" in Christian terms, "what goes around comes around" from the common folk saying. The card may also represent change based on destiny, fate, or the cyclical nature of life. Regardless of cause, the key concept for this card is change -- the wheel keeps on turning.
Full meaning: Full meaning coming soon!
(The full meaning of this card is under construction. Selected quotes to follow.)
Greenaway (see Sources) - "Many readers see this as a bad card, perceiving that life's lessons may be hard. When one problem is solved, another surfaces, but life is very much like that anyway. Because of life's cruel blows, the querent might feel sorry for herself, so persuade her to understand that the world is like a big school. The lessons that she goes through are part of the spiritual plan that speeds her evolution to a higher plane of spirituality." (Greenaway, p. 41)
Blair - "Karma, cycles, ups and downs, chance" (Blair, p. 233)