Contact information
Currently the address to contact is
Contact policy truly appreciates readers who take the time to write, and we try to read everything sent to us. However, we need to be able to find genuine readers' comments among a sea of mass-marketing material sent to our inbox.
Therefore, our contact e-mail address will change periodically, as the longer an e-mail address has been published on the world wide web, the more spammers find it and overwhelm the inbox with junk mail. This is why we use a gmail account instead of something more permanent -- past experience tells us that we'll need to change our e-mail address often enough to throw off the big spam lists. Please check back for our current e-mail address before sending new e-mail, to ensure that your good efforts are sent to our most recent address.
Please do not send attachments -- due to the risk of computer viruses (even with good anti-virus software), they will be deleted without notice, along with the e-mail sending them.
Reader comments and questions are important to us. We try to read e-mail that isn't spam, and will respond to some of the questions. However, due to the quantity of e-mail at times, we cannot respond to everything received.